Monday 30 March 2015

Editor’s note: few days ago the news of a Silverbird Television staff member, Aishat Mustapha, who was brutally murdered by her boyfriend rent the air. More twist was added to the horror when rumours circulating had it that her alleged boyfriend was a married man who carried out the murder when Aisha threatened to report him to his wife. While I cannot independently verify the fact, I want to refrain from taking any moral stand on the issue. But what are the dangers involved in dating married men?  5 reasons why ladies should think twice before involving in a romantic relationship with the husband of another woman.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the original author.

– Story highlights:
– Many Nigerian ladies view married men as caring
–Its either your married boyfriend kills you; you kill him or his wife kills you
– A crazed wife who suspects her husband of cheating will go to any length to unearth the truth
Many Nigerian ladies don’t consider a love affair with a married man as something improper. In fact, it is common to hear them claim that married men are the most caring of all lovers. No doubt, dating a married man could be so much fun, but lets consider some dangers  dangers involved in such adventurous relationships.

1) He Will Never Love You Like He Loves His Wife
Many ladies find married men very interesting to date. Marred men are known to spoil their girlfriend with cash, gifts and affection. Some even go as far as abandoning their wives and children while engaging in extra marital affairs. Bu hay lady, don’t be fooled by the love and affection he is showing you. The truth is 90% of married men love their wives dearly, most of them engage in extra marital affairs for the fun of it and will do anything to protect their wives and children.
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Besides what makes you think that a man would suddenly fall out of love with a woman who has been married to him for years, taken care of him when his was sick, raised children together with him, and have made several sacrifices for him. Then after she has done all this you think you would come and do better than her.
Please think again, after eating the honey comb your married boyfriend would start seeing you as a trespasser and a thief that has come to rob him of his family happiness. Ladies please shine your eyes life is not a Nollywood film where the girlfriends always have the upper hand. In reality; stand between a married man and his family and you may end up 6 feet under. He will never leave his wife for you.
2) He Sees You As An Object To Satisfy His fantasies
Many ladies wondered why their married boyfriends who once appeared caring and loving suddenly change and become cruel. Well the truth is married men engage in extra-marital affairs for the s**x alone and nothing more. While s**x with a married man could be so adventurous and exciting.
For the married man, it is an escape from the boring routine of marriage life, don’t get it twisted, you remain a tool for s**xual gratification and when its all over he will return to a wife he said he was going to leave to be with you. He goes back to the love of his life while you remain single and alone.
Then you may hatch the plan to get pregnant for him so as to keep him. This is a death sentence, research has shown that 98% of married men would go to any length to terminate a pregnancy from a girlfriend, even the noblest men could commit murder in this regard. Why? Because been pregnant does not change the fact that you were their s**x object. They won’t even mind committing murder if it serves as a quick fix to an unwanted pregnancy
3) Dating A Married Man Never Has A Happy Ending
The problem with ladies who date married men is that most of them foresee a future where there is none. They keep on hoping that one day the man would leave his happy family and come live with them. They envisage a happily ever after where there is sadly ever after. There are only three endings in an extramarital affair and none of them looks good: Its either your married boyfriend kills you; you kill him or his wife kills you. Be warned a jealous wife would kill to protect a foolish husband.

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