Thursday 23 April 2015

5 Family Members Die Mysteriously In Osun State

Five members of the same family in Ila Odo, a border community in Odo Otin local govern­ment area of Ondo state, died in mysterious circumstances on Tuesday, witnesses confirm.

According to sources in the town, the deceased were members of one Id­owu family in the town which is located along Os­ogbo/Ilorin road.

The dead included the head of the family, identified as Akanbi Idowu, his second wife, his son and two grand children.

According to The Sun online, the family all ate the same dinner on Monday night and start­ed having severe stomach pains almost immediately after the meal. They were said to have also developed other symptoms of illness.

Confident that their condition would get better, the source added, “they didn’t bother to seek any medical attention; only for three of them to die in the night before daybreak.”

It was the news of the sudden death of the trio that woke the community from sleep amid confusion and worries. By the evening of the same day, two members of the family also died, fueling speculation of an outbreak of an epidemic or mysterious disease in the town.

However, some sympathizers suggested food poisoning, though they could not confirm the meal the victims ate.

The source added that the grand children who died later on Tuesday were in a bad condition and could give no information on the meal they ate the previous night before they died.

This is not the only mysterious disease to kill people in the south-west recently. In Ondo state, a mysterious ailment also claimed the lives of at least 25 people in the last week though it has been confirmed by the Ondo state governor, Olusegun Mimmiko, that the deaths were caused by ethanol poisoning.

The outbreak in Ondo state has been contained and no deaths have been reported lately.

At press time, the Osun state govenment has yet to issue a statement on the deaths of the five family members.

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