Wednesday 1 April 2015

Abraham of out time has 40 children by 20 women says: 'I'll never stop because God says go forth and multiply'

        The recovering alcoholic claims he tries to keep track of all his children – aged between three             and 37 – by having their names tattooed across his back.
        He admits he would not recognise many in the street and 16 were taken into care by social                   services because of his 'drinking and womanising'.More pic after cut

         Mr Holpin, who has previously admitted getting £27,000-a-year in benefits, says he wants even more children because he 'can't live without them'.
He said: 'In the Bible, God says go forth and multiply. I'm doing what God wants. I'm only 56. I'll never stop [having children]. Never stop.
       'I'm as fertile as sin. I don't believe in contraception and I love sex.
       'I've got so much love in me for my kids, it's spilling over. I need them more than they need me to be honest. I can't be without them.'
Twenty-two of his 40 offspring carry his surname and there are 'probably a few more' out there he does not even know exist.

       Mr Holpin, of Ebbw Vale, South Wales, says most of his children have been removed by social services.
      'Due to my drinking and my womanising, most of my kids have gone through the care system,' he said.
      'It makes me feel like s*** because they've suffered.
      'They [social services] took them from me because I'm an alcoholic. I'm still an alcoholic – I just don't practise it.
     'When they went into care, I made a promise that no matter how long it took, I will get my kids home. I miss all the fun we used to have so I guess getting them back, my life will be set. My life will be perfect'.

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